Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Turkey Day Treat!

Here is a little SNL to liven up those holiday shopping hours.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cat comes home after 13 years!

Welcome home little kitty!
This story about a cat gone missing for 13 years is pretty amazing! What sort of holiday pet gift do you get for a cat after 13 years of missing birthdays and holidays?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Pet Food Recall on Food Bought at Kroger Stores!

Just thought we would put this up to alert those dog and cat owners that hadn't heard...
Kroger is issuing a pet food recall on pet food sold in their stores. Originally thought to just be stores in the south, Kroger has widened the recall to its Food 4 Less Midwest and Dillons stores. You can get the full info here,
but the short of the long is that the brand Pet Pride, is recalling the following items that could be infected with Salmonella,

  • Pet Pride Indoor Cat Food, 3.5-lb. Best by JUL 29 09 or earlier dates

  • Pet Pride Indoor Cat Food, 18-lb. Best by JUL 29 09 or earlier dates

  • Pet Pride Weight Management Dog Food, 17.6-lb. Best by JUL 29 09 or earlier dates

So take a look at your pet food and make sure your little friends are not eating something that could be bad for them.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Stop that wabbit!

He's stealin all the cookies! (thanks blog tipper Meaghan!)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Puppy Cam is outta control!

Have you heard about the puppy cam?
Well people here cannot get enough. Here is a little ditty about them on the Today Show.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Critter Nation...Midwest Homes 4 Pets

I was just walking by where some of the production guys sit and I saw that Midwest Homes 4 Pets has a new Critter Nation home coming out.
Specifically designed for rats, chinchillas and small pets; I was intrigued to see what the difference between that one and the Ferret Nation homes were. Apparently the wire spacing is totally different, as is the angles of the ramps.
People in the small animal world are pretty excited about these things. Word is they are launching on Dec 1st. Keep you posted if I learn anything else. Here is a pdf that Midwest put out on their website (click on the picture and it will pop up a new window)...

Cat Rides a Roomba

Had to post this when I saw it!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Failblog shows a logistics fail

I can't tell you how many times this happened to me today... Everyone be calm, looks like the donkey will be okay.

Carlton Fisk loves the dogs!

Pet Furniture Blog tipper Patrick sent this one to us this morning...
You can read all about the new doggie restaurant in Beantown at the actual press release, or just click on the picture and read the Big League Stew blog. The restaurant was just a two day temp thing for Alpo...but I'm sure the memories for some lucky dogs will last forever.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pet Cemetery makes "best places of rest" list

The AP reported a few days ago that "Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2009" included the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery...right alongside the Taj Mahal and the Great Pyramids among the 10 "best places of rest."

Made me think of the Ramones...maybe they would want to be buried in a Pet Cemetery, if it was the right one.

The Hypoallergenic Dog Myth

U.S. News & World Report had a pretty informative article on Hypoallergenic Dogs...apparently there is no such thing.
    "Unfortunately, there really is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog," said Dr. Jonathan Field, emeritus director of the pediatric allergy and asthma clinic at New York University/Bellevue Medical Center in New York City.

    "The studies have not supported that there's any type of hypoallergenic dog," added Dr. Wanda Phipatanakul, chair of the Indoor Allergen Committee for the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). "All dogs produce allergens, so it would make common sense that if you've got 50 dogs in the home, the dog allergens are going to be higher than if you've got one, and if you have a huge dog, there will be more allergens than with a small dog, but all dogs produce allergens."

You can read the whole article here.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mommy dog on the go!

Thanks blog tipper Jamie! Here is a pic via
Puppoose indeed!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 goes grass roots...

The largest non-profit pet adoption website, created an online petition asking President-Elect Obama to adopt a shelter puppy, you can see all the info at

Market Watch has the release here.

Here is a snapshot..., the nation's largest non-profit pet adoption website, is spearheading a national campaign and website called "" Using a Barack Obama-themed campaign website and messages such as "Yes We Can ADOPT," animal shelters around the country are gathering signatures of a letter to be delivered to the White House in support of the President-Elect adopting a shelter puppy. The website already had gathered over 5,000 signatures in just its first few hours.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

NBC Today show has puppy advice

Missed this one a few days ago...but NBC had a nice segment.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Pups the word...

It is amazing how popular the potential presidential puppy is right now. In fact if you google puppy, news results come up with Obama and the entire puppy fiasco.You can check out the latest here on the Wall Street Journal...

Yup, that is puppy news on the WSJ...crazy.

Here is a puppy for all of you crazy puppy lovers out there.

(Don't worry, we fall in that category too)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A source for Presidential puppy news...

Thanks to e-mails coming in, we seem to be an outlet for reporting on breaking Presidential puppy news...
This clip is from the Early Show on CBS.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Presidential First Pups on Time Magazine

Time Magazine just posted a photo gallery of all the Presidential first Pups...,29307,1830236_1746240,00.html
Check em out!

Road to the Doghouse...The Daily Show goes all pet!

John Oliver became Senior Pet Correspondent last night on the Daily Show, in their segment of "Road to the Doghouse."
There are a couple cute puppies in this clip! Plus they make funny puns like this, "All of the pets have been truly vetted."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Simon's Cat...Yeah it's old news but new to us!

I'm sure we are way behind the times over here at the Pet Furniture Blog (some of us anyways)...but for those of you that have not seen these Simon's Cat are missing out.
You can watch the other three after you watch this one. We're always suckers for Garden Gnomes and cats.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Presidential Pets!

The race for President is sooooo close, and it means new pets in that white house in D.C.! You know, the really big one!

So here is a nice little site the Whitehouse has about Presidential Pets from 1959-2000,

Photo from Dwight D. Eisenhower Library Center

Did you know that Eisenhower had a Weimaraner? Neither did we!

For a more complete list Wikipedia has one...but of course you must take it all with a grain of salt because it is on Wikipedia,

There is a really fun little Presidential pet quiz here
Questions like, which President owned a raccoon? Which one owned an alligator? Yup there are some funny ones there.

The White House Kids site has a similar quiz here, but no animation or pictures like the one above.

We found out that if Barack Obama wins the Presidency he promised his two daughters a puppy...but one of them is allergic. Any suggestions out there for a puppy that would not flare up allergies?
John McCain of course has a flock of animals that are ready for the Whitehouse, not sure if he could possibly own any more than he has! :)

Happy Monday all!